San Clemente High School Home

At A Glance

Earn College Credit Through ROP!

Students, check out the latest information on how to articulate your ROP class for college credit.  Click on the link for more information:  ROP Articulation

ROP Career Center
Light, Kimberly (949) 498-0408 ROP Career Guidance Specialist


Are you still looking for a class for FALL 2015.  Consider an ROP class that may help you prepare for a career or college.

Brand New classes for San Clemente High Bell Schedule Students.... ROBOTICS -design, create and test a robot using selected energy and power sources and much more......


New afterschool classes at Dana Hills High School RENEWABLE AND SUSTAINABLE ENERGY                                                       HOTEL AND HOSPITALITY CAREERS

And we will continue to offer the following courses throughout CUSD afterschool:

3D Model Making, Administration of Justice, Audio Music Production, Auto Repair,  Careers in Fashion, Crime Scene Investigations,Dental Assistant, Emergency Medical Responder, EMT, Fire Technology, Graphic Design Technology, Graphics Production, Medical Asst., Medical Core, Medical Hospital Careers, PC/Hardware and Software, Pharmacy Technician, Programming/Coding, Restaurant Careers, Retail Careers, Small Business Management and Veterinary Technician..

Stop by and see Mrs. Light in the ROP/Career Center for days and times available..

South Coast Regional Occupational Program provides high quality, relevant and engaging career technical education that prepares students for career and academic success.  If you would like to take a class that allows you to gain experience required for immediate employment, allows you to participate in internships, offers certificates of completion or experience a career that may assist you in choosing a college major and enhance your college admission application, consider exploring an ROP course.

Contact Mrs. Light for details in the ROP/Career Center or you can email

You can check out our course catalog at



ROP/App Development/Programming and Coding   This hands–on course includes instruction in software application development and programming using languages such as C++, Scratch and Alice.  Focus will be on PHP and MySQL with an introduction to HTML, CSS, JavaScript and ML.  Projects will include coding programming and building “Linkbots”, a robotic system that is programmable to complete various types of tasks used in multiple areas such as manufacturing and engineering.  Guest speakers from leading industry partners will provide a “real-world” view of the career opportunities in App Development



Please stop by the ROP/Career Center and see Mrs. Light if you have any questions about these new opportunities.





College Visits at SCHS

College visits at SCHS take place in the Fall.  To see schedule of who will visit, click 2014 college visits.. 2014 college visits 10-27 - cut.doc   

See Mrs. Light for updated list as it changes daily

September-November various college and university admission counselors visit SCHS.  The college representatives that visit are usually responsible for reviewing the applications that come from SCHS.  This is a wonderful opportunity to learn about their academic programs and admission requirements.  Visits take place in the ROP-Career Center.

If you do not see your school of interest, check the college’s website for regional informational sessions that take place in the evenings or on the weekends in Orange County, San Diego, Los Angeles or the Inland Empire.  If you miss a visit that took place, stop by and see Mrs. Light for information.


Students may sign up for a ROP class in the ROP/Career Center during break, tutorial and after school.  

New Classes for Fall!!!  Engineering Technology

Introduction to Pharmacy Technician  and

Introduction to Surgical Technologist

Contact Mrs. Light for details in the ROP/Career Center or you can email

You can check out our course catalog at



Suceess In The New Economy-Video


A New Name for a New Season

SC Logo

We are still the same program, just a new name!

South Coast ROP - formerly known as Capistrano-Laguna Beach ROP

visit our website

 Your Online and On Campus Resource Center

 Programs, Resources and Services

  • ROP Class Information and Registration
  • Work Permits and Job Postings
  • Bridges:  Computerized Career and College Search
  • Career and College Materials and Reference Library
  • Career Guidance Assessment
  • Advisement on Job Search, Interview Skills and Resume Writing
  • College Visits
  • Testing Information (SAT, SAT II, ACT)
  • College Scholarships Information
  • Financial Aid Information
  • Military Information

For more information on South Coast ROP go to:  For Work Permit Applications and information go to:

Campus Location: LT4 (Right side of Little Theater)

Hours: 8:30 am to 3:30 pm Monday through Friday


Looking to earn some credits this summer, try something new!  Audio Music Production at Dana Hills High School 

Medical Core, App Development/Video Game Design and Engineering Technology offered at the main ROP campus in San Juan.

See Mrs. Light in the ROP/Career Center to sign up.

Summer ROP schedule summer 2015 high school schedule (2).docx

Quick Links

Work Permits

All students are reminded that you must have a 2.0 -C grade point average to be issued a work permit.  Applications for a work permit may be picked up in the Career Center.  An employer must hire you and sign the work permit application before you may obtain a work permit.  Work permits are processed in the Career Center.  All information including your social security number and parent and employer signatures must be filled out.  Please allow one day for processing.

A reminder that work permits expire each September and you must apply for a renewal. To print an application click the link below.